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Reconfigurable Mobile Radio Systems A Sn

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08 - 2008
CHF 148.20
3 jours à 3 semaines
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Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor Guillaume Vivier is a researcher at Motorola Labs in France where he actively contributes to the definition of Systems Beyond 3G and to the Seamless Mobility area. He is responsible for the "Radio System Optimization" group in charge of design and management of heterogenous radio systems. He is also a senior member of the IEEE. Klappentext Different aspects of the reconfigurability of mobile radio systems are analyzed in this book. These include services, object modeling applied to software radio, flexible spectrum management, trade-offs for building a reconfigurable terminal, an example of a pure software radio modem, adaptive MIMO techniques and analog-to-digital converters. Zusammenfassung Different aspects of the reconfigurability of mobile radio systems are analyzed in this book. These include services! object modeling applied to software radio! flexible spectrum management! trade-offs for building a reconfigurable terminal! an example of a pure software radio modem! adaptive MIMO techniques and analog-to-digital converters. Inhaltsverzeichnis Introduction xiii Chapter 1. Services and Adaptive Uses 1 Guillaume DORBES 1.1. New networks and new uses 1 1.1.1. Broadband mobile radio systems: why do it? 1 1.1.2. From Internet services on a voice network to voice services on an Internet network 2 1.1.3. From telephony to interpersonal communication 3 1.1.4. From charged to free: the value evolution 4 1.1.5. From the end-to-end controlled session to the best effort culture 4 1.1.6. The new services of the new networks 5 1.2. Mobile communications customers 5 1.2.1. Mobile service user: a communicating customer 5 1.2.2. The successful teachings of mobile telephony and the Internet for the new generation services 6 1.2.3. The communicating customer and his values 7 Compatibility with the present and its practices 7 Membership and availability 7 Cost optimization 8 Security 8 1.2.4. Mobility based acceleration 8 Terminal size and its interaction modes 8 Multi-network environment 9 Service heterogenity 10 1.2.5. Adaptability as a mobility value 10 1.3. Technological and adaptability factors of mobile services 11 1.3.1. A microcomputer inside each pocket 11 1.3.2. An Internet or a juxtaposition of intranets? 12 1.3.3. On the convergence of universal sets or how to contact a person 14 1.3.4. Proximity as a way to address the mobile services 15 1.3.5. The jungle of networks or how can we communicate in a hostile environment? 16 1.3.6. How can we carry our home in our pocket? 17 1.4. Conclusion: "I am a nomad in at least five different ways" 18 1.4.1. A new challenge: reconciling the incompatible 18 1.4.2. A combination of new technologies and new economic models 18 Chapter 2. Object Modeling and Software-defined Radio 21 Antoine DELAUTRE and Yann DENEF 2.1. Introduction 21 2.1.1. History of the software industry 22 2.1.2. Object modeling 24 2.1.3. Modeling and data flow 25 2.1.4. Constituent model 27 2.1.5. Software bus 27 2.1.6. Product line 31 2.2. Applicability of the component-based approach to the field of software-defined radio 33 2.2.1. Software-defined radio 33 2.2.2. Evolution of the industrial tissue 35 2.2.3. Need for stable interfaces 37 2.3. The constraints of the component-based approach 38 2.3.1. Execution time constraints 38 2.3.2. Software - hardware coupling constraints 38 2.3.3. Reminder on the evolution of software technologies 39 2.3.4. Regulatory constraints 40 2.3.5. Deployment constrai...